Category Archives: epidemies

Confirmation of the #wormhole by #claudiavannini published on November,2015 about the epidemies

English/português- Confirmation of the #wormhole published on November,2015 about the epidemies I saw killing people during the winter. The editor´s of What We Adore Magazine published the entire text, just in Germany, scratching old wounds. Read some part of the foresight and after you can see the complete foresight at http://www.what we
” Refugees in Europe fall ill and are handled by international aid groups, since they are seen as a source of epidemic viral pneumonia. It’s a sad moment in history, when we see the concentration fields of the World War II again. An opportunity to rethink about human values and how much we really evolved in the last 70 years.” ClaudiaVannini, November, 2015, wrote on October,2015
and the link for confirmation, published on Jan, 8th,2016
Confirmação do #buracodeminhoca escrito em Out,2015 em que eu vi os refugiados morrendo por pneumonia e comparei com os campos de exterminio da Segunda Guerra. Dia 8 de Janeiro de 2016, a BBC publicou a matéria explicando exatamente o que eu vi e os grupos de ajuda como Médico sem Fronteiras fazendo a denúncia das doenças, mesmo sendo irreversível o processo de extermínio.
#paz #vida #harmonia #claudiavannini
